
相关文章 | 2019.05.10

纽约大学(New York University)简称“NYU”,是一所位于纽约的世界著名私立研究型大学,成立于1831年。纽约大学由18个学院和研究所组成,被列为25所新常春藤名校之一。截止2016年,纽约大学共拥有36位诺贝尔奖得主,30余名奥斯卡金像奖得主,19名美国科学院勋章得主,多名阿贝尔奖,艾美奖、托尼奖得主。
NYU音乐治疗专业教授们的研究方向涉及各个领域,如GIM, Psychodynamic, Analytical Music Therapy, Vocal Psychotherapy, 以及Nordoff Robbins. 其中以Nordoff Robbins 最被大家熟知。就读于NYU的音乐治疗专业可进入鲁道夫-鲁宾斯音乐治疗中心进行临床学习及学术研究;毕业后有资格考取美国音乐治疗师注册证和创意艺术治疗师资格证。
鲁道夫-鲁宾斯音乐治疗中心于1989年由 Clive Robbins博士以及Carol Robbins创立,是NYU音乐治疗专业中的一部分, 宗旨是通过治疗、培训和研究项目来为更多的人提供多方面的,包括临床、专业和公共服务方向的支持。

Audition Details and Requirements
Candidates should prepare to play their major instrument, piano, and guitar.
Candidates will be asked to demonstrate their technical ability, expressive range, and familiarity with different musical styles with each of these instruments.
Ability to sight read, improvise, and play by ear are all evaluated during the audition.
Candidates will also be asked to sing and accompany themselves on a harmonic instrument.
The interview portion will involve discussion of your:
Educational and professional background
Professional or volunteer experience with client populations
Knowledge about the profession of music therapy
Readiness for advanced music therapy training



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